CONGRATULATIONS to Lara White, who successfully defended her Ed.D. Capstone Proposal on July 12th with Dorothea Anagnostopoulos, Mark Kohan, and Sarah Woulfin serving on her committee. Her Capstone will use “Action Research to explore Collaborative Culturally Responsive Instruction in a Community of Practice”. Lara is a teacher leader in West Hartford Public Schools.
Ann Traynor’s Capstone
2016 Harvard Graduate Student Research Conference
CONGRATULATIONS to India Monroe, who recently participated in a round table presentation at the 2016 Harvard Graduate Student Research Conference which focused on ‘Collaborative Professional Learning Structures for High School Teachers that Foster Shared Understandings and Consistent Practices’.
CONGRATULATIONS to Lisa Sepe, who also participated in a round table discussion where she shared a case study titled, Data Teams as Policy: Implementation through Communities of Practice at the 2016 Harvard Graduate Student Research Conference.
Regina Hopkins’ Capstone
CONGRATULATIONS to Regina Hopkins, JD, who successfully defended her Ed.D. Capstone Project on April 15th. Her Capstone, “A Restorative Approach to Student Discipline: Examining a Small School’s Changed Response to Student Behavior,” used critical race theory as a contextual and analytical framework to explore the relationships between P-12 public schools’ race neutral policies and system-wide racially disparate student discipline outcomes. Casey Cobb was her major advisor – Preston Green and Sarah Woulfin served on her committee.