Application Information & Requirements

  • The Traditional program application deadline is Feb. 1, 2025.
  • The ELP-Ed.D. Bridge Program application deadline is March 1, 2026.
  • The next matriculation year for the Ed.D. Traditional Program will be Fall 2025. Admissions will occur in Spring 2025.
  • Interested candidates should use the UConn online application process through the Graduate School. Traditional cohorts begin every other year on the odd year (e.g., 2025, 2027, 2029) and ELP Bridge cohorts begin every other year on the even year (e.g., 2024, 2026, 2028). Courses will be held at UConn Hartford. Note that a portion of the coursework will be delivered remotely. 
  • Please note that graduates of the Ed.D. program do not receive a CT-093 endorsement for the Connecticut superintendency. The Executive Leadership Program is a separate program for pursuing the 093 certification.
  • Applicants to the Ed.D. in Education Leadership ordinarily have the following:
    • A depth and breadth of relevant experience in the field of educational leadership
      • However, CT-092 is not a requirement for admission
    • All applicants must meet the Graduate School requirements for admission into a doctoral program of study
Days Until Traditional Pathway Application Deadline
Ends On February 1, 2025
Days Until Bridge Pathway Application Deadline
Ends On March 1, 2026

Admissions Timeline

  • Application deadline:  February 1, 2025 (Traditional pathway) or March 1, 2026 (Bridge pathway)
  • Review of applications: February-March 2025
  • Interviews with finalists, if needed: March-April 2025 (The program director will contact applicants if interviews will be held).
  • Acceptance letters sent: May 2025
  • Classes begin: August 2025

How to Apply

  1. Complete the online application from the Graduate School website
  2. Assemble your application materials for the Graduate School:
    • Official transcripts of all collegiate work (including UConn)
    • Residence Affidavit
    • (3) Letters of Recommendation
    • TOEFL Scores (if an international student)
  3. Assemble your application materials for the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership:
    • The personal statement should:
      • Describe your interest in pursuing an Ed.D.; and
      • Identify a significant problem of practice faced in your work setting, including an analysis of why this is a problem and how it relates to the improvement of student learning and life outcomes (1500 word maximum).
    • Writing Prompt. Based on your area of interest, choose one of the articles listed below and respond to the questions. Please do not exceed a single-spaced page for each question.
      For students with interests in K-12 leadership and change:
      DeMatthews, D., Izquierdo, E., & Knight, D. S. (2017). Righting past wrongs: A superintendent’s social justice leadership for dual language education along the U.S.-Mexico border. Education Policy Analysis Archives25, 1.

      1. What is your main takeaway from this article?
      2. Describe how the study findings either apply or don’t apply to your professional context.
      3. What questions would you ask the authors if you were critiquing their study (and why)?

      For students with interests in issues for higher education:
      Bensimon, E. M. (2018). Reclaiming Racial Justice in Equity, Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 50(3-4), 95-98, DOI: 10.1080/00091383.2018.1509623 or download the PDF.

      1. What is your main takeaway from this article?
      2. Describe how the author’s arguments either apply or don’t apply to your professional context.
      3. What questions would you ask the author if you were critiquing their analysis (and why)?
      • Current Resume or Curriculum Vitae

      The applicant should upload these materials into the online application system.

    •  Interviews with finalists, if needed.
      • The program director will contact applicants if interviews will be held. Notification would take place following the review of all applications in March.

    The Admissions Committee will review only completed applications and support materials received by the deadline.